Empowering Lives: Navigating Economic, Social & Cultural Rights on Human Rights Day

Empowering Lives: Navigating Economic, Social & Cultural Rights on Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day, celebrated on December 10th, serves as a poignant reminder of the fundamental rights every individual deserves. Among these, the right to an adequate standard of living stands prominently. In this blog post, we delve into how advice.scot plays a vital role in supporting individuals in realizing their economic, social, and cultural rights.

Julie Murphy

Housing Rights: Your Home, Your Right

Every person has the right to a suitable place to live, and advice.scot is here to ensure that this right is upheld.

How can we help?

We can assist you in completing applications for Universal Credit/Housing Benefits and provide advice on rent deposits, issues with landlords, housing repairs, and evictions.

Social Security: Nurturing Stability

The provision of social security benefits and support ensures that individuals and families have the means to meet their basic needs. Programs such as housing benefits, disability benefits, and child benefits contribute to maintaining an adequate standard of living.

How can we help?

We offer benefit calculation services, advising on benefits you are entitled to and assisting with the application process. Our guidance extends to those out of work, including a “better off” calculation for those contemplating a return to the workplace. Additionally, we provide income maximization advice for everyone.

Minimum Wage and Fair Employment Practices:

Scotland has its own minimum wage rates, ensuring that workers receive a fair income for their labour. Employment laws and regulations aim to protect workers from exploitation and unfair treatment, contributing to an adequate standard of living.

How can we help?

We provide up-to-date information on minimum wage and employment rules, offering advice on workplace tribunals.

Anti-Poverty Measures:  

The Scottish Government implements anti-poverty measures to address inequalities and ensure that vulnerable populations have access to essential services. Programs and policies are designed to lift individuals and families out of poverty and improve their overall standard of living.

How can we help?

We offer emergency assistance for those in need, including Crisis & Community Local Authority Grants. We provide advice on eligibility and assist with the application process.

You can call advice.scot at 0808 800 9060, and our expert advisers are available to provide guidance.
