

I retired a few years ago and have been struggling on my state pension. It barely covers my outgoings, and I could be doing with some help. My energy bills are through the roof, and I can’t get through to my supplier to discuss with them. Can you offer any guidance?

There are sources of support available that can help you if you are struggling, and it is important to explore all avenues, including additional financial support you may be entitled to. Pension Credit is a means tested benefit that tops up the state pension for older people who have income that is below a certain […]

I retired a few years ago and have been struggling on my state pension. It barely covers my outgoings, and I could be doing with some help. My energy bills are through the roof, and I can’t get through to my supplier to discuss with them. Can you offer any guidance? Read More »

In December, I cancelled a few of my direct debits to afford other things and put most of the household shopping on my credit card. I am struggling and just got the bill in for the card and reminder letters for the things I didn’t pay and am worried about what to do. Can you help?

It is good that you have reached out to discuss your worries in relation to your financial situation. By being open and honest about money issues, we can figure out a way forward and try to get back on track. Sometimes discussing the situation with the companies or organisations that we owe money to can

In December, I cancelled a few of my direct debits to afford other things and put most of the household shopping on my credit card. I am struggling and just got the bill in for the card and reminder letters for the things I didn’t pay and am worried about what to do. Can you help? Read More »

I am struggling with energy costs and am terrified that I am going to run out of electricity and gas over the festive period with my baby here. I have a prepayment meter, and only top up small amounts, with a large chunk of the payments taken for debt. What can I do?

There are many people finding themselves in the same boat, with the cost of energy and other goods and services increasing so much. It’s important to remember that help is available when we need it! With suppliers and other organisations closing or operating reduced hours during the festive season, it is important that you seek

I am struggling with energy costs and am terrified that I am going to run out of electricity and gas over the festive period with my baby here. I have a prepayment meter, and only top up small amounts, with a large chunk of the payments taken for debt. What can I do? Read More »

I have had a difficult couple of months financially and am struggling with the cost-of-living. The thought of Christmas is filling me with dread, as I know I am going to have to avoid paying bills, such as my council tax and electric bill to afford presents and food. Can you help?

Many are struggling with the cost of energy and other goods and services with the dramatic increases we have seen over the last few months. The lead up to Christmas can be a daunting prospect, especially when we are facing issues with our finances. You are not alone in your situation, especially this year. It

I have had a difficult couple of months financially and am struggling with the cost-of-living. The thought of Christmas is filling me with dread, as I know I am going to have to avoid paying bills, such as my council tax and electric bill to afford presents and food. Can you help? Read More »

I am a single parent with kids aged two and four, and I am struggling to get by. I can barely afford to keep the lights on – it was bad before, but it seems to have got much worse for me. I work part time and get very little support in terms of benefits. Can you help?

The cost-of-living crisis is having an impact on everyone, particularly those who were struggling before the prices of energy, goods, and services increased. The thing to remember is that you are not alone and there are sources of support that can help! Scottish Child Payment You may be entitled to Scottish Child Payment, which is

I am a single parent with kids aged two and four, and I am struggling to get by. I can barely afford to keep the lights on – it was bad before, but it seems to have got much worse for me. I work part time and get very little support in terms of benefits. Can you help? Read More »

I am really struggling with my finances at the moment. I am paying out a fortune in utility bills, and recently received notification that my wages will be arrested for non-payment of a debt that I have with one of my creditors. Can you please help?

Once a decree or decision from a court or tribunal has been made, and a ‘charge for payment’ or ‘charge to pay’ has been issued by the creditor and delivered to you, deductions can be made by your employer for debts owed if the process has been followed correctly. If your employer has already started

I am really struggling with my finances at the moment. I am paying out a fortune in utility bills, and recently received notification that my wages will be arrested for non-payment of a debt that I have with one of my creditors. Can you please help? Read More »

I keep hearing about all the support that is being made available to help with the cost-of-living, but I am unsure where to start. My landlord has told me they will be putting my rent up, my energy costs are sky-high, and I can barely afford to get by. Can you help?

The cost-of-living crisis has left many of us feeling the pinch when it comes to our personal finances. The good news is that there are various sources of support being made available to assist Scottish consumers who are struggling with their various costs. Energy Price Guarantee (Energy Costs) The UK Government has announced the ‘Energy

I keep hearing about all the support that is being made available to help with the cost-of-living, but I am unsure where to start. My landlord has told me they will be putting my rent up, my energy costs are sky-high, and I can barely afford to get by. Can you help? Read More »

I am in a considerable amount of debt and cannot afford to pay it and think this is now a problem for me…What can i do?

I am in a considerable amount of debt and cannot afford to pay it and think this is now a problem for me. I am being chased for the debt by the companies I owe money to, and this is having an impact on my mental health. Can you offer any advice on what I

I am in a considerable amount of debt and cannot afford to pay it and think this is now a problem for me…What can i do? Read More »

Cost of Living Crisis – How can help?

Living life, affording to pay all our bills, whilst continuing to put food on the table has become quite the juggling task for many of us recently. Increases to the cost of living, with soaring energy prices, and the prices of other essential goods and services jumping up as a result has been challenging. Average

Cost of Living Crisis – How can help? Read More »

Benefits for Energy Bills

In the coming months, UK households’ energy bills will rise by 11% on average (or £139/year) after wholesale gas prices have soared to all-time highs, according to the energy regulator Ofgem. This sharp increase in energy bills will hit particularly hard to vulnerable households, who are already facing rising inflation and a reduction of £1,040/year on

Benefits for Energy Bills Read More »
