

Last year, new neighbours moved in across the street. We assumed that the parties they were having were a novelty, and that the excessive noise they were making would pass, but it has all started again, with other concerning behaviour. What can I do?

If your neighbour is creating too much noise, such as playing loud music or having parties, there are options available to try and resolve the situation. If you feel comfortable, and it is safe to do so, you should try to address the problem directly by talking to your neighbour first. Sometimes, attempting to resolve […]

Last year, new neighbours moved in across the street. We assumed that the parties they were having were a novelty, and that the excessive noise they were making would pass, but it has all started again, with other concerning behaviour. What can I do? Read More »

My neighbour is getting a two-story extension built, but I don’t think that the work should be allowed to go ahead. The new look of the building won’t fit in with the other houses on the street, and because it will be so big, will probably block out the light. What can I do?

Anyone having work carried out on a property that is altering the height or structure of a building will usually be required to apply for planning permission before any work commences.You can check the planning register on the local authority website to see if your neighbour has applied for planning permission.You can find contact information

My neighbour is getting a two-story extension built, but I don’t think that the work should be allowed to go ahead. The new look of the building won’t fit in with the other houses on the street, and because it will be so big, will probably block out the light. What can I do? Read More »

Debt & Money: moneyadvice.scot advisers are on-hand to support Scottish Citizens

The purse strings are a lot tighter now than they were at this time last year. From increases at the tills, to skyrocketing bills, we are all feeling the pinch. With increased living costs, comes the potential for us to fall behind, looking at short-term solutions to long-term problems, such as credit and store cards,

Debt & Money: moneyadvice.scot advisers are on-hand to support Scottish Citizens Read More »

Cost of Living Crisis – How can advice.scot help?

Living life, affording to pay all our bills, whilst continuing to put food on the table has become quite the juggling task for many of us recently. Increases to the cost of living, with soaring energy prices, and the prices of other essential goods and services jumping up as a result has been challenging. Average

Cost of Living Crisis – How can advice.scot help? Read More »

My private landlord is making me feel uncomfortable, visiting my home for surprise inspections and demanding access. I feel obliged to let him in because I am behind on my rent and worry about eviction. What can I do?

Although the landlord owns the property you live in, this does not grant him unlimited access without some form of agreement in advance of visiting your home. In most circumstances, landlords are required to give reasonable notice before any property visits. As you are a private tenant, you should be given 48-hours notice, although there

My private landlord is making me feel uncomfortable, visiting my home for surprise inspections and demanding access. I feel obliged to let him in because I am behind on my rent and worry about eviction. What can I do? Read More »

I live in a property that I rent privately and there is a minor issue with water leaking in through the ceiling in the bathroom. I am having problems getting this sorted. Can you help?

I am sorry to hear that you are having an ongoing issue with repairs in your home. It is important that you report the problem to your landlord as soon as possible, even if it is a relatively very minor issue. If the repair is urgent, you should report this by phoning them to make sure the work is carried

I live in a property that I rent privately and there is a minor issue with water leaking in through the ceiling in the bathroom. I am having problems getting this sorted. Can you help? Read More »

My partner and I recently decided to go our separate ways. We have lived in private rented accommodation since the start of the pandemic, and I am staying in the home – he is going. We are overdue on the rent due to a reduction in working hours. What can

When a relationship breakdown happens, it is important to get financial and practical affairs in order as soon as possible, to avoid any confusion further down the line. If you are named on the tenancy agreement (either as joint or sole tenant), you have a legal / contractual right to live in the property. If

My partner and I recently decided to go our separate ways. We have lived in private rented accommodation since the start of the pandemic, and I am staying in the home – he is going. We are overdue on the rent due to a reduction in working hours. What can Read More »

I have been having an awful time trying to get my private landlord to carry out repairs. He has been using the pandemic as an excuse for a year now. Can you help?

Whilst there were restrictions on work being carried out at the height of the pandemic, essential maintenance was permitted and if the repairs were required urgently, they should have been completed. If the repair is urgent, you should write to the landlord and request that the work is carried out as quickly and soon as possible.  It would be

I have been having an awful time trying to get my private landlord to carry out repairs. He has been using the pandemic as an excuse for a year now. Can you help? Read More »

I’ve been avoiding paying my Council Tax because I have been on reduced hours at work and now, they’re threatening to freeze my bank account with the little savings I have. What can I do?

Council tax is a priority debt and should be treated as such. A creditor with the relevant authority can freeze the bank / building society account(s) of someone who owes them money. The local authority would be the creditor in this instance. If you owe the money to the local authority, and they have gone through the

I’ve been avoiding paying my Council Tax because I have been on reduced hours at work and now, they’re threatening to freeze my bank account with the little savings I have. What can I do? Read More »
