Jordan W

Author name: Jordan W

My neighbour is getting a two-story extension built, but I don’t think that the work should be allowed to go ahead. The new look of the building won’t fit in with the other houses on the street, and because it will be so big, will probably block out the light. What can I do?

Anyone having work carried out on a property that is altering the height or structure of a building will usually be required to apply for planning permission before any work commences.You can check the planning register on the local authority website to see if your neighbour has applied for planning permission.You can find contact information […]

My neighbour is getting a two-story extension built, but I don’t think that the work should be allowed to go ahead. The new look of the building won’t fit in with the other houses on the street, and because it will be so big, will probably block out the light. What can I do? Read More »

I work for a small business, and the owner has told me that because of a downturn in the amount of work, he needs to reduce my salary. I don’t think this is right. Can you help?

A reduction in pay requires a change in a contract and for this to be binding, consent from both parties is required. However, employers will often have the upper hand with bargaining power if there is a risk of losing your job. It is illegal for them to deduct pay without a contractual change occurring.

I work for a small business, and the owner has told me that because of a downturn in the amount of work, he needs to reduce my salary. I don’t think this is right. Can you help? Read More »

Debt & Money: advisers are on-hand to support Scottish Citizens

The purse strings are a lot tighter now than they were at this time last year. From increases at the tills, to skyrocketing bills, we are all feeling the pinch. With increased living costs, comes the potential for us to fall behind, looking at short-term solutions to long-term problems, such as credit and store cards,

Debt & Money: advisers are on-hand to support Scottish Citizens Read More »

Cost of Living Crisis – How can help?

Living life, affording to pay all our bills, whilst continuing to put food on the table has become quite the juggling task for many of us recently. Increases to the cost of living, with soaring energy prices, and the prices of other essential goods and services jumping up as a result has been challenging. Average

Cost of Living Crisis – How can help? Read More »

My partner and I are thinking about separating, but I don’t know where to start with this. Can you help?

The separation process route taken will differ depending on your situation. Informal Arrangement You have the option to separate by informal arrangement. You will need to inform various organisations of your separation and may have a legal obligation to report this to your benefits office if you are in receipt of benefits; HMRC if you

My partner and I are thinking about separating, but I don’t know where to start with this. Can you help? Read More »

I am really struggling to afford to pay my bills. Everything has become so expensive, and my benefits payments were already being stretched to capacity. What can I do?

The cost of living has increased for everyone over the last few months, with budgets being stretched to breaking point for many. There are practical things we can do to try and improve our situation when faced with increasing costs. Many Scottish citizens are not claiming the full benefits that they are entitled to. You

I am really struggling to afford to pay my bills. Everything has become so expensive, and my benefits payments were already being stretched to capacity. What can I do? Read More »

My private landlord is making me feel uncomfortable, visiting my home for surprise inspections and demanding access. I feel obliged to let him in because I am behind on my rent and worry about eviction. What can I do?

Although the landlord owns the property you live in, this does not grant him unlimited access without some form of agreement in advance of visiting your home. In most circumstances, landlords are required to give reasonable notice before any property visits. As you are a private tenant, you should be given 48-hours notice, although there

My private landlord is making me feel uncomfortable, visiting my home for surprise inspections and demanding access. I feel obliged to let him in because I am behind on my rent and worry about eviction. What can I do? Read More »

I live in a flat and share communal areas with my neighbours who have been leaving the garden at the back of the property in a real state. The situation seems to be getting worse and I believe it is now in dangerous repair. Can you help?

I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems with the communal areas in your building. It can be frustrating trying to resolve these issues, especially when there are multiple people sharing the space. The route to resolving these matters will depend on the situation with the ownership of the properties in the building. Council

I live in a flat and share communal areas with my neighbours who have been leaving the garden at the back of the property in a real state. The situation seems to be getting worse and I believe it is now in dangerous repair. Can you help? Read More »

I have had several issues with my manager over the course of the last three years, but most recently, other members of staff have indicated that he has been mocking me behind my back. What can I do?

I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with your manager. If what your colleagues are saying is true, it could be that you are being subjected to bullying in the workplace. Bullying: A Definition Bullying is regarded as a behaviour which derives from a person or group that is unwanted and makes

I have had several issues with my manager over the course of the last three years, but most recently, other members of staff have indicated that he has been mocking me behind my back. What can I do? Read More »
